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Kenmore Square is a particularly unique neighborhood of Boston. Its heart is marked by the intersection of 2 major city thoroughfares, Beacon Street and Commonwealth Avenue. Previously a swampy, desolate corner of Boston where the Charles River fed into the marshy Back Bay, Kenmore Square is now a destination in and of itself. Starting at the turn of the century, it has undergone a dramatic renovation and is now a mini-hub within the Hub. The diversity of businesses, universities, museums, and sports facilities in the area mirrors the diversity of disciplines and ideas as represented by TED.


It is this richness that TEDxKenmoreSquare will celebrate and champion. It is this sense of abundance of diversity, continuous reinvention, and inspirational thought that makes TEDxKenmoreSquare the perfect incubator for new ideas. Our vision is to create change by investing in this unique community and acting locally for the betterment of our world. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we will be change makers. 


This year’s theme for TEDxKenmoreSquare is Intersections. A dynamic group of thinkers and doers will assemble in an exciting setting where new connections will germinate. Teamwork will be fostered. Experimentation of thought will be our goal. Our mission is to develop tools such that we as a whole can actively shape our future. It is our strong belief that with innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, we will function not merely as passive observers of time, but as active participants who shape our world and mold our own destiny.


Our host is Hotel Commonwealth, an independent, luxury boutique hotel featuring 245 guest rooms and suites. 


We are fortunate to work with to in-house photographers who work together to capture the ideas worth spreading for years to come. 


The Eastern Standard, an American Brasserie located in the heart of Kenmore Square, is catering the event.


Ten speakers will take the stage to spread their idea worth spreading with Kenmore Square.


Learn more about TEDxKenmoreSquare and our 2020 event, Intersections, below!

  • When does the event take place?
    TEDxKenmoreSquare 2020: Intersections will take place on April 17, 2020.
  • Where can I purchase tickets?
    You can click the attend button on the top right of the page.
  • How much are tickets?
    Tickets prices are 100 dollars.



Hotel Commonwealth

500 Commonwealth Avenue

Boston, MA 02215

Tel: 617.933.5000

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